Please ignore our horrible layout thus far and our large header that can not seem to fit no matter how much I play with it...that will be fixed momentarily.
I figure while all this goes on we will have introductions.
We are the Drommerhausens.
Try saying that three times fast.

Jonathan- He is in the Army Reserve and is currently deployed on our first deployment as a couple. He is a hardworking, very opinionated (I mean that in a good way!), highly intelligent, sweet, kind...gamer. Seriously. When he is not loving on me, our dog, our cat or our son, Alex, his world is is PS3 or Xbox 360. He definitely have our limits and rules on when we can partake in such events and how long, but when given the chance he is there. He dreams of becoming a video game "engineer" and making and designing video games. When he gets home from this fifteen month deployment, he plans on going active duty again and finishing up his degree in that area of expertise.
He is really great, guys.
Amanda- That's me! I'm a domestic engineer pursing my degree in Early Childhood Education with a minor in Womens Studies. The type of womens studies that deals with Godly ministering, not feminist activities. I am very traditional and aspire to be June Cleaver :) I adore my husband and come with a very heavy North Carolina accent. And that accent comes with gobs and gobs of sweet, sweet tea. I dream of attachment parenting, homeschooling, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, baby wearing and loving my children when the Lord blesses us with them. I can't wait to be a assistant den mom for Boy Scouts and a Girl Scout leader! Seriously. That is my dream. I am a fan or sustainable living and long for a farm house on three acres with my horses in my backyard, chickens running around, cows and pigs. I love hanging clothes on the line and I bake my own bread. I just can not wait to see what life holds for us, especially if Jon goes active duty!!
My dreams for this blog is to get me through this long deployment- only a year left!, documenting our life as married newlyweds, a growing family (Lord willing!), our childrens lives, and just seeing where the Lord will take us!
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